Please know that this was all possible thanks to my brilliant Dr. Mike at Sawyer Creek Orthodontics – all of the Pizza was provided by ZaRonis A Macaroni And Pizza Pub + lots of kind prizes from Caramel Crisp Corner, Subway, Omro Cheese House (grand prize), Manila Resto, and more (my head is spinning and I’ll add more as my parents remind me!).
Hi Franki! Just wanted to thank you for the gift that you gave our son Blake and the taphouse in Coeur d’Alene during the football game monday! That was so kind of you! your parents were awesome too!!! Good luck in your endeavors.
Joe Goodsen, Nicole Goodsen, and Blake Goodsen
Thank you Mr. Goodsen for writing.
I thoroughly enjoyed meeting Blake and your family and was hoping to stop in where he was working on the day of the assembly. Unfortunately time was too tight to back-track before our flight home. Please let’s stay connected–you can be my extended Packers family!
Love and God bless,
PS, as I’m writing the Crew is up 5-2 in the fifth of game 6 with their bases loaded. I pitch too: