Lifest Performance: Part 2

It felt like a dream come true performing on the main stage at Lifest this year. I have no words except: GOD IS GOOD.

Franki Moscato

Franki Moscato

Franki Moscato

Franki Moscato

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About Franki Jo

You can find my activities here or on Facebook and Instagram. It would please me for you to attend one of my performances--invite your family! I can never have enough friends, so please register to my website and email me any time!
This entry was posted in Franki Moscato 2019, My Life, National Anthem, Oshkosh, Singing, Stage, Wisconsin. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Lifest Performance: Part 2

  1. Kristin Peterson says:


    Your voice is amazing. I don’t watch American Idol and you singing the National Anthem on the main stage at Lifest was my first chance to hear you. You are amazing and we look forward to watching you again in the future. I heard that you may be coming to the Wisconsin Rapids area. Hopefully that is a true rumor.

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