I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus!

I performed today with Mr. Weddig at a Christmas luncheon at St. Jude in Oshkosh.  –Great food and great company!

St. Jude Oshkosh 2014

I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus







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About Franki Jo

You can find my activities here or on Facebook and Instagram. It would please me for you to attend one of my performances--invite your family! I can never have enough friends, so please register to my website and email me any time!
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4 Responses to I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus!

  1. Liz Zimmerman says:

    Your voice is getting stronger! You probably didn’t even need that mic!!!
    Love you! and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

  2. Rick Jordan says:

    Hi Franki,
    You have a beautiful voice and hope you keep up the Christmas Cheer with your singing. Congratulations on a splendid performance! Merry Christmas

  3. Avatar photo Franki says:

    Thank you very much Mr. Jordan. I hope you had a good Christmas.

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