Franki felt so blessed to be invited to cantor with Bishop Ricken and Christian artist Matt Maher at the Catholic Mass at Lifest 2024
Christian Artist Matt Maher was very impressed with Franki. Jacob waiting to speak with the amazing Matt, and probably Franki too LOL

In 2022 Franki lost her beloved cousin Alex to suicide. Through praying to Alex and divine intervention she composed her original “Tomorrow Needs You” and was able to sing it at his funeral. That same year she sang on the main Stage at Lifest. This beautiful soul was so moved by the lyrics that she instantly decided that she will wait for God to bring her home instead of taking her own life. At mass today (2024), she came up to Franki to give her thanks and showed her the song title/lyric she had tattooed over her 2022 “Final” wrist cut. A reminder that “Tomorrow Needs You” God is so Good