Milis Strong

A special and magical symbol in my life is a four-leaf clover. I’ve NEVER found one myself, but my true friends know my love for the hunt and have blessed me with kind clover gifts.

Last Sunday, I woke early to attend the 7 AM mass at St. Raph’s to pray for the Milis and Larsen families. It was the first time in my life that I went alone and found a random seat that was well-Covid spaced.

As I returned to my seat after receiving Communion, I prayed for Danycka and Dom. Then, I pulled the kneeler down and noticed something shining… what I found was nothing short of a message from Heaven.

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About Franki Jo

You can find my activities here or on Facebook and Instagram. It would please me for you to attend one of my performances--invite your family! I can never have enough friends, so please register to my website and email me any time!
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