My Opa

My opa is 89 years old. He was born in Yugoslavia, but his family is of German decent; “Opa” stands for grandpa in German. My opa has prostate cancer, with his loss of appetite; He is 110 pounds. It is really hard for him to eat, but I try my very hardest to push him, to eat his protein and vegetables! Today, he is in a nursing home, not doing so well. There is a small chance for him to live only a month longer. My oma died when I was only 2 years old from a failing heart, and we are afraid that will happen with my opa! He cannot walk, and needs to use a wheel chair. Around a month ago, his bones got so weak that he broke his hip, and had to have emergency medical care; he was there for weeks! On my inspiration page, there is a video of him talking to my class. I was in the 3rd grade when he spoke for my class; He was 87. He is explaining his adventure fighting in world war 2 when he was only 17! Seeing how skinny he is breaks my heart; please give him all your prayers, because he really needs them!
Thank you,

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About Franki Jo

You can find my activities here or on Facebook and Instagram. It would please me for you to attend one of my performances--invite your family! I can never have enough friends, so please register to my website and email me any time!
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