WI Timber Rattlers

Hi friends, if you aren’t doing anything and live in the Wisconsin area, come help kick off the Wisconsin Timber Rattlers’ 25th Season on April 6th! I will have the honor of singing the National Anthem. (: Hope to see you there.

Franki Moscato

Franki Moscato

Posted in American Idol, American Idol ABC, American Idol Gold Ticket, American Idol Season 2, Franki Moscato 2019, My Life, Oshkosh, Photagraphy, Wisconsin | Comments Off on WI Timber Rattlers

Hollywood Week

Extremely blessed to have the same stage as the best talent in America.❤️ Thank you American Idol.

Franki Moscato

Franki Moscato

Posted in American Idol, American Idol ABC, American Idol Gold Ticket, American Idol Season 2, Band, Franki Moscato 2019, Franki Moscato American Idol, Franki Moscato Be Kind, Franki Moscato Gold Ticket, Gold Ticket, My Life, News, Omro Wisconsin, Oshkosh, Photagraphy, Singing, Stage, Wisconsin | Comments Off on Hollywood Week

American Idol

Contrary to popular belief, the “Gold Ticket” is not actually made out of gold… but I’m going to Hollywood! And I am sooo humbled and excited. This is for YOU, Wisconsin.

Franki Moscato American Idol

Franki Moscato American Idol

Franki Moscato

Franki Moscato

Posted in American Idol, American Idol ABC, American Idol Gold Ticket, American Idol Season 2, Be Kind, Franki Moscato 2019, Franki Moscato American Idol, Franki Moscato Gold Ticket, Gold Ticket, I Will Rise, My Life, News, Omro Wisconsin, Oshkosh, Singing, Stage, Wisconsin | Comments Off on American Idol

USA Today

Thank you Post Crescent for featuring me in your story this week! It was an honor and pleasure to talk with you. Hugs, Franki <3

Franki Moscato
Franki Moscato
Posted in Franki Moscato 2019, Interview, Music Video, My Life, News, Omro Wisconsin, Oshkosh, Photagraphy, Singing, Stage, Tightrope, Wisconsin | Comments Off on USA Today

Kings Customs

Kings Customs

Kings Customs

Kings Customs

Kings Customs

It is such a pleasure to wear my custom painted “Be Kind” shoes from my good friends, Cody and Trevor. If you haven’t heard about them, go check out Kings Customs on social media! They are doing amazing things.

Posted in Be Kind, Franki Moscato 2019, Franki Moscato Be Kind, Kings Customs, My Life, National Anthem, News, Omro Wisconsin, Oshkosh, Photagraphy, Singing, Stage, Wisconsin | Comments Off on Kings Customs

Omro Performance

I had such an exciting time singing the National Anthem at the Omro boys’ basketball game. It’s always so heartwarming to be surrounded by such a loving community. Thank you, Omro. <3

And shout out to my good friend, Art Eichmann Photography, for taking these awesome photos. (:

Franki Moscato

Franki Moscato

Franki Moscato

Franki Moscato

Posted in Franki Moscato 2019, National Anthem, News, Omro Wisconsin, Oshkosh, Photagraphy, Singing, Stage, Wisconsin | Comments Off on Omro Performance

Be Kind Premiere

I am still in AWE of how my Be Kind premiere turned out. The months of preparation that was put into it was completely worth it. Thank you Oshkosh. I couldn’t have done it without you. <3

Now it is time for my team and I to get back to work! New things are coming. (: Let’s help put an end to suicide.

Posted in Franki Moscato 2019, I Will Rise, Music Video, News, Oshkosh, Photagraphy, Singing, Stage, Wisconsin | Comments Off on Be Kind Premiere

Tightrope Available Now!

I’m very honored and excited to announce that my new single, “Tightrope”, is available on all popular cloud based music services. Feel free to give it a listen! I hope you like it. (:

Franki Moscato Tightrope

Franki Moscato Tightrope

Posted in Franki Moscato 2019, Music Video, News, Oshkosh, Singing, Tightrope, Tightrope Franki Moscato, Wisconsin | Comments Off on Tightrope Available Now!

American Idol

This experience has been so humbling. I still have to pinch myself to believe it. Keep watching American Idol on ABC to see if my audition airs and if I received the Gold Ticket to Hollywood from Katy Perry, Lionel Richie, and Luke Bryan!!

Posted in American Idol, American Idol ABC, American Idol Season 2, Franki Moscato 2019, Franki Moscato American Idol, My Life, News, Oshkosh, Photagraphy, Singing, Stage, Wisconsin | 2 Comments

Be Kind Premiere

If you haven’t heard from some of your local TV and radio stations, the premiere for my brand new music video is THIS Thursday (Feb. 28th). Raising money for suicide awareness, the event will be held at the Menominee Nation Arena in Oshkosh from 6-8:30 pm. If you have nothing going on and are in the area, feel free to come and bring your family and friends. It is going to be a fun event. I hope to see you there. (:

Franki Moscato

Franki Moscato

Franki Moscato

Franki Moscato

Franki Moscato

Franki Moscato

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