Milwaukee Film Festival

So blessed to be on stage at the Milwaukee Film Festival with such an inspiring group of actors and directors.   It’s a pretty cool feeling to see myself on the movie screen.  I am hoping that our film, Sabrina, can inspire the world as it is coming out soon!

Franki Moscato Film “Sabrina”

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Las Vegas visit

I visited the Sunrise Children’s Hospital and performed for their sick kids.  I made so many new friends.  God bless all of you!

Franki Moscato

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Packers called AGAIN!

I am very honored to perform a concert for Brett Favre, Steve Young, and Jerry Kramer at a Talk Chalk luncheon in Green Bay on November 6th. I sure hope Aaron will be there. I will be singing a prayer for Bart Star and also singing the Anthem. They asked me for a short bio video… I hope they like this.? Let me know what YOU think please.

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Titletown Salute To Service Football Tournament

A kind person from the Packers contacted me today asking if I could perform our Anthem for the “Salute To Service Football Tournament” in the new Titletown district on November 4th.  All branches of the armed forces will be competing in a flag football tournament.  I’m guessing that there will be some Packers celebrates there.??   If you’re in Green Bay on that day, stop by.  I’ll do my best to honor our heroes!

I updated this post with this recent information:

Packers to host Salute to Service flag football tournament Saturday at Titletown

Posted Nov 1, 2017

Tournament between five branches of the armed forces to raise money for morale funds

As part of the organization’s Salute to Service efforts, the Green Bay Packers are hosting a flag football tournament featuring five teams, one from each branch of the military, on Saturday, Nov. 4, at the football field at Titletown.Fans are invited to attend the tournament, which begins at 10 a.m. with matchups between Air Force and Coast Guard teams on the east side of the field, and Army National Guard and Navy teams on the west side of the field, with the Marines team having a bye in the first round.

Singer/songwriter Franki Jo Moscato will sing the national anthem, and the UW-Green Bay ROTC will present the colors. A flyover will also be performed by Warbird Pilot Paul Walter from Milwaukee, flying a post-WWII North American T28 Trojan.

Round-robin pool play will finish at 1:30 p.m., with the single elimination tournament beginning at 1:35 p.m.

Bleachers will be available for fans, and Titletown’s tables and chairs will be available for use. No carry-in furniture or folding chairs are permitted. Fans are reminded to dress for the weather, and are welcome to bring umbrellas.

Athletic trainers from Bellin Health will also be on-hand for tournament participants and to share information about their new Titletown facility with fans at the event.

Long-sleeved Salute to Service shirts will be for sale throughout the event for $10 apiece, with proceeds divided evenly among the morale funds of each team.

The winning team’s morale fund will also receive an additional $2,000 donation, and the runner-up will receive a $1,000 donation.

The donations are possible through the NFL’s 2017 Salute to Service Team Program Grant through the NFL Foundation.

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Interview with the Northwestern

I am very honored and excited that the Oshkosh Northwestern Newspaper wants to do a story on me!  Should be out in a week or so.?  Today I was interviewed by some amazing people about my busy self.  I am hoping that my story will inspire people.  Today I also had a little photo and video shoot; they recorded me in their historic entryway as I sang my original song, “Me, Myself, and I”, and it will be posted on their website.  Anyways, I cannot wait to see this article and I really hope you like it. (:

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Booked in Berlin

Thank you Berlin friends for inviting me to sing for you!  All the beautiful flowers you all gave me are now decorated around my bedroom. (: I had such a great time.  God bless.

Franki Moscato

Franki Moscato


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Appleton Main Street

Wow wow wow!  I LOVE to perform in Appleton!  Every time I come, the experience just gets better and better.

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Timber Rattlers

I am so honored to have been invited to at the Snake Pit for the honorable Wounded Warriors softball tournament.  Such an amazing experience! –Big solute and shout out to our real heroes. God bless you ALL!

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Lake Shore Manor Party

Another great afternoon at Lake Shore Manor.   It was so great to be back (:

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Fond du Lac Live at Lunch

Wow!  Day VERY well spent in Fond du lac this afternoon.  The weather was perfect, and so was the food and flowers at the market.  It was so great to be back 🙂

Franki Moscato at the Fond du lac Farmer’s Market

Franki Moscato at the Fond du lac Farmer’s Market

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