This is my fourth commercial for Nilfisk. My voice never gets tired but my hand does. đ
Seems useless to have a microphone on a drone.  Thanks mom for being in my video.  BTW coming to your neighborhood soon… mwahahahaha!
I sang this in Oshkosh on Main Street on Saturday but my dad didn’t have his video recorder and asked me to perform on my stage.
I was so thrilled to root for MeKenzie Lund tonight! I got to sing for her at the preliminary contest. We are all cheering you on MeKenzie!
Love, Franki
My Opa came to America in 1952 and taught himself the English language. After he died, we found some old tapes that were recorded over with polka music. To our delight, on one tape we can faintly hear him. Â Listen. Â When we cleaned out his home, we found the book that he was studying from. He was an amazing man. Â Find him here on my inspiration page.