Singing in the Snake Pit

It was a beautiful evening for baseball (until it started pouring in the 6th). But I got to show off my friends from the Daugherty-Hamilton American Legion Post 234. It was a really fun night of family, food, and BASEBALL! After I sang, there was a flyby to celebrate our great veterans of our country.

Thank you Timber Rattlers!

Thank you Timber Rattlers!


Thank you Veterans!

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Anthem at High Ground Veterans Memorial Park

I had the greatest day traveling with my friends from Post 234 and everyone who joined us to respect those who made this country great. Separately, they served me the best sandwiches that I have ever eaten! — Thank you!

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Softball Pitching Tips

Here are the things I think about when I pitch. I hope that this might help somebody who wants to pitch!

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Letters to Heaven

I enjoy writing letters to Heaven; talking about personal things going on in my life. I have decided to share my latest letter I had written about my Mom’s cousin, Shirley. She has asked for my prayers to my Guardian Angels to help her sick son, and husband. This post is dedicated to Shirley, and I just hope her husband and son heal soon!!! Here is the letter I wrote:

Dear God,

This letter is written to all of my Guardian Angels. Please have them all read this! Thank you!

Hello everyone, this is Franki! My mom’s cousin, Shirley, has a BIG problem. Her husband is sick… so is her son. But, this is no ordinary kind of sick…

She asked me for some help. Specifically, she wants YOU to help…, and she promised to give you back when she’s finished.
It scares me a little to think I am giving you away, but I trust that you’ll still be taking care of me!!!

Please, do your best to answer her prayers, because I don’t know all of the details; which are probably very complicated…
Thank you for listening! I love you dearly,

Franki J. Sakschek

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My friend Rena is cancer FREE!

Please help my friend Rena save one life. –Send this link to people you love.

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Rena is My Inspiration

Dear Rena, everyday I pray to my guardian angels to bless me and to help me inspire people like you inspire me.   I can only dream to have half the courage and strength that you have.  Thank you for your friendship and love that you have shown me.  God bless you.

Love Franki.

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2014 Season Starting!!!

If you know me, you know how much I LOVE to play softball. I have been working hard to throw fast strikes at different places in the zone.  I had nine (9) strike outs in a row and than we changed pitchers….Big thanks to ALL my team mates for their hits and runs that are not shown here but won the game.  This is going to be a GREAT season!

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April Tornado Victims – we pray for you

To the victims and families of the severe tornadoes that hit Arkansas, Oklahoma, Mississippi and Alabama… I can’t explain it but have faith… God Bless You!

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Happiest 6 minutes of 2014 (so far)

Vacations are great!  I’m so happy!

I'm So Happy








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My next couple of days are focused on JuBriCoSa performances.  I have some solos and this one makes me think about my friends in Johnson City. Difficult day.

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