
Franki Moscato

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Downtown Oshkosh

Beautiful Oshkosh snow!!

Franki Moscato

Franki Moscato

Posted in Franki Moscato 2021, My Life, Wedding Singers, Wisconsin | Comments Off on Downtown Oshkosh

Milis Strong

A special and magical symbol in my life is a four-leaf clover. I’ve NEVER found one myself, but my true friends know my love for the hunt and have blessed me with kind clover gifts.

Last Sunday, I woke early to attend the 7 AM mass at St. Raph’s to pray for the Milis and Larsen families. It was the first time in my life that I went alone and found a random seat that was well-Covid spaced.

As I returned to my seat after receiving Communion, I prayed for Danycka and Dom. Then, I pulled the kneeler down and noticed something shining… what I found was nothing short of a message from Heaven.

Posted in Be Kind, Franki Moscato Be Kind, My Life | Comments Off on Milis Strong

My New Movie!!

Friends… does it make you mad/upset when you can’t find a movie that you are looking for on Netflix and the likes!? Here is the movie for you! See me appear in this comedy movie filmed entirely in Wisconsin–NOW on iTunes by following this link to pre-order your copy: https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/mags-and-julie-go-on-a-road-trip/id1535736492?fbclid=IwAR2wq24MWxKAk5VR0IbBf78VysBQx-GDoH4cl1591dfnpsdF69FIn-Tcegg

Franki Moscato Movie

Posted in Franki Moscato 2020, Inspiration, Mags and Julie Go On a Roadtrip, My Life, News, Oshkosh, Wisconsin | Comments Off on My New Movie!!

Ziegler Winery

Here is a photo from last night’s performance at Ziegler Winery in Wisconsin! I am so grateful for the heartwarming support my team and I have received this year during these COVID times. I have faith that GREAT things are ahead for this sweet world.

Now it’s time to relax and celebrate the birth of our Savior! Merry Christmas, my friends.

Franki Moscato

Posted in Franki Moscato 2020, Inspiration, My Life, Singing, Stage, Wisconsin | Comments Off on Ziegler Winery

Thank you Bucks!

I recorded our National Anthem at Fiserv Forum for the Milwaukee Bucks last night! What an honor to be back! Stay tuned this season.

Franki Moscato

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Listen to my new single NOW

If you have ever been backstabbed, you will totally relate to my NEW SINGLE “Cheap Betray.” -Available on all cloud platforms. Click this link to listen (FREE) and add it to your Spotify favorites if you like it!! x

Franki Moscato


Posted in Be Kind, Cheap Betray, Cheap Betray Franki Moscato, Franki Moscato 2020, Music Video, My Life, New single, News, Omro Wisconsin, Oshkosh, Wedding Entertainment Wisconsin, Wedding performer Oshkosh, Wedding Singer Oshkosh, Wedding singer Wisconsin | Comments Off on Listen to my new single NOW

Cup O Joy

I had a lovely time performing again at the Cup O Joy. The culture of this place never seizes to amaze me- the people, the atmosphere… the POPCORN (don’t even get me started about that popcorn). Thank you Cup O Joy for another astounding experience.

Franki Moscato

Posted in Cup O Joy, Green Bay, Inspiration, My Life, News, Oshkosh, Singing, Stage, Wedding Entertainment Wisconsin, Wedding performer Oshkosh, Wedding Singer Oshkosh, Wedding singer Wisconsin, Wedding Singers, Wisconsin | 1 Comment

Wedding Gig!

God blessed this kind family with parting rain for a wonderful wedding in DePere last Saturday at the LedgeCrest Reserve. This beautiful ceremony was on the patio and it only took 4 minutes to spin my equipment around to continue entertaining these amazing people with a full set during cocktails. “Fabulous” is an understatement for endorsing this venue for weddings!

Franki Moscato

Image may contain: one or more people, people on stage and indoor

Franki Moscato

Image may contain: 2 people, people on stage, tree and outdoor

Franki Moscato

Posted in Franki Moscato 2020, Wedding Entertainment Wisconsin, Wedding performer Oshkosh, Wedding Singer Oshkosh, Wedding singer Wisconsin, Wedding Singers, Wisconsin | Comments Off on Wedding Gig!

New Music Soon…

Hi friends! Most of my performances, anthems, and school assembly speaking engagements have been put on hold due to the Corona Virus. Even my TED talk has been pushed to next year. However, I am finally getting back to work! I have high hopes that EVERYTHING happens for a reason, and I am happy to share that throughout this “quarantine,” I’ve had the chance to write new music, (clean out my garage), and travel to Nashville for a recording session. I cannot wait for you to hear my new single. Stay tuned!

Franki Moscato

Posted in American Idol, American Idol ABC, American Idol Gold Ticket, American Idol Season 2, Franki Moscato 2020, Franki Moscato Be Kind, Franki Moscato Gold Ticket, Omro Wisconsin, Oshkosh, Singing, Wisconsin, WIXX | Comments Off on New Music Soon…