Wizard of Ozkosh

I was honored to spend the entire evening entertaining and serving guests as Dorothy at our Lourdes’ “Wizard of Ozkosh” banquet.   Here I am greeting guests as they arrive.

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About Franki Jo

You can find my activities here or on Facebook and Instagram. It would please me for you to attend one of my performances--invite your family! I can never have enough friends, so please register to my website and email me any time!
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2 Responses to Wizard of Ozkosh

  1. Nancy Berger says:

    This is wonderful Franki, I enjoyed it so much. Best wished in all that you do

    • Avatar photo Franki says:

      Oh thank you so much Ms Berger. Feedback like yours means so much to me. With so much scare in the world, a rainbow will always be a symbol of hope and inspiration–don’t you think?

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